Ready, Set, Goal!

I love to make lists: lists of things I need to do at work, lists of things that need to be accomplished during the weekend, and oh, I’ll even make the occasional honey-do list for my finace.(don’t feel bad for him, I’m keeping him on task with me!) I don’t know about you, but sometimes my brain is moving in a million different directions and the only way for me to clear it is by writing things down.  But,  I’ll admit, I might take it slightly further than just the things I need to do…. I might actually add things to the list  that I already accomplished  just for that WONDERFUL feeling you get when you check something off the list!

If you couldn’t tell already I like the feeling of accomplishment.  Big or small, I like knowing that I was productive in some way during my day.  So, it’s only natural that it recently occurred to me: how can I gauge whether or not I’ve been successful over the next year?!  Now last year, as I mentioned, was a big one. Between graduation and finding a new job I did a lot–but these were both things I had set out to do a couple years ago.

With this behind me, and as a new year dawns on us, it’s time for me to set my eyes on some new accomplishments. For me, sometimes it’s easy to get lost in everyday events and forget the things that I may have once entertained wanting to do on a whim. So here it is.  A couple of things that I’m hoping that by writing them down, by vocalizing them, I’ve taken the first step to being able to recognize that it would make me happy if I could accomplish them. By, acknowledging the things I’d like to do I feel that I’m  making the conscious effort to accomplish them this year.

1. Spend time to Learn About Myself.  For the first time in a long time I’m living away from my finace. Now, don’t get me wrong, this is not my favorite situation, however, it gives me a lot more time alone and to really learn about who I am, by myself.

2. Take a Photography Class.  This has been on my list of things to do since college. I always wanted to learn how to take and edit photos and constantly admire photography. But, I’ve honestly always been too lazy to learn.  Maybe this is the time to pick up a new hobby.

3. Go somewhere new.  When I was younger I always dreamed that I could tell people that I’ve been to every country in the world.  But this costs money, obviously, and take a conscious effort to plan your next  adventure.  So here’s to being the jetsetter I’ve always wanted to be.  This year, I’ll go somewhere (even if it’s not another country) that I’ve never been before.

4. Start a blog.  Oh bam! Done and checked off.  (See, told you I like to add things that have already been done.  Doesn’t it feel good?)

What are some things that you’ve been wanting to try to do that just keep getting put on the back burner?  Give yourself ten minutes, where you aren’t thinking about work or the next thing on TV, where you don’t need to worry about what you’re making for dinner or what you’re wearing tonight, and devote them to yourself.  Grab and a piece of paper, or better yet open Microsoft Word and remind yourself of the things that you’ve been wanting to do and just haven’t taken the time to do yet.  Now, at least they’re at the front of your mind again, and your on your first step to accomplishing them in 2012.

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